پاورپوینت نه 9تغییر طرز فکر که زندگی من را تغییر داد


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پاورپوینت نه 9تغییر طرز فکر که زندگی  من را تغییر داد

و تصاویر پشت آنها

9 mindset shifts that changed my life

and the visuals behind them

متن به دوزبان فارسی و انگلیسی

حالت کتاب ورق زن

ازرهبری یک خانواده تا

رهبری یک سازمان

هوش کسب وکار

مدیریت و رهبری توسعه فردی

کارآفرینی باهم رشد کنیم

کاش این مطالب را زود تر در

مدرسه می آموختم

تعداد اسلاید:22


9 mindset shifts that changed my life

and the visuals behind them



You've got a full calendar.

People pulling you in all directions.

But some things just break through the noise.


The three I think about every day - after I discovered them:

Your mindset shapes your mood.

Your peer group shapes your energy.

Your focus on maximising strengths get you further.


Here's the full breakdown:


1/ Nature is healing

Your brain is clear and thrives when you walk outside


2/ Act in small teams

Complexity is a progress killer


3/ Culture and consistent action wins

Strategy can shift


4/ Accept and be happy with all you have

Do not make your happiness dependent on external validation


5/ Prioritise smartly

Shape your strengths more than your weaknesses


6/ Enable progress

Empower others and take responsibility to push them forward


7/ Sharpness requires clear thoughts

Sleep is a superpower for excelling


8/ Abundance is the best mindset

You lose nothing if someone else wins


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تعداد صفحات: 22

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